Getting Back to Basic!

Soap Freakin' Excited is a small business specializing in artisan soap crafted in Queen Creek, Az. The company was built on the beliefs and standards of good soap does not have to be made with unnecessary ingredients. Growing up on 80 acres, my family grew our own fruits and vegetables and sourced as much as we could from our farm/ranch. My mother taught me how to use what we had first. How to make something from little and to never give up. I watched my mother making handmade soap back in the day and while I may have been too young to understand saponification, what I did know was that my mom could make anything and I was impressed! Now maybe I wasn’t so impressed with the smell of the old fashion lye soap, it being made from rendered animal fats and not having pretty micas or beautiful fragrances made it a tad harsh smelling and not to pleasing to the eye. But it was soap and it worked well! I am blessed to be able to have the products available to me to continue this tradition in a cruelty free process with gorgeous colors and wonderful fragrances. Fruit and vegetable gardens are still part of my world and I am happy to be able to source products knowing that they are organic and home grown. Our bar called the Pure Patsy was an extreme honor for me to make. A nod to my beautiful mother.
Cristy Allen

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